Jul 10Liked by Kristi yapp

Kristi, I totally understand all you speak of. The jab led to my own mother’s death in 2021. By the grace of God my eyes were open early on to the lies, deceit, and propaganda. I tried talking my parents out of taking it, but the MSM and peer pressure was so relentless. I’m truly sorry for your losses. ❤️ We are in spiritual warfare.

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What else could he say? His anger could be, would be boiling over, but he dare not let it show to you mom, what else could he say?

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Jul 10Liked by Kristi yapp

So much crying now, mourning. Hearing you and your mom’s experience and also listening to widows and others whose husbands and loved ones were murdered in the hospital. 😓😓😓

Mass murder happening all around us.

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Jul 10Liked by Kristi yapp

Telling her the truth would have been cruel.

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I am so sorry about your sister.

Keeping us all confused was definitely part of the plan. Confused and afraid.

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Your husband did the right thing. I was just thinking about this recently, when I learned a few days ago that a good friend in Vermont has bile duct cancer that may have already spread to her lungs. I suspect it was the two Pfizer shots she took that did this, but I have no proof, and it would do no good at all to tell her my suspicions.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Kristi yapp

This reminds me of the book A Beautiful Lie by Irfan Master. 💔

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Jul 10Liked by Kristi yapp


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My goodness! It’s the same everywhere. Rarely do people make the connection. Why is it so clear to us, those that refused?

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Some of this life’s big questions: How is it that we are living in two separate realities? What is different about those of us who proclaim this reality the be the true reality? What is it in us that has given us the power to resist? And, ultimately, what is this force that we are resisting? What are we really up against?

These are strange times.

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In spiritual warfare you are either on the side of good or the side of evil. The side of truth or the side of lies. There is no grey, middle ground area. There is no "neutral" position. The two separate realities are the sides that we are on. Unfortunately, the covid me-too-freakout of the last four years is just a small, small skirmish. Greater battles are in the pipeline, sooner than we think. If only society would choose the correct side of battle to send the evil one scurrying to his bunker for awhile. Sigh.

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She did know didn’t she?

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It is hard to imagine that my mom never made the connection. However, if she did know, she never said it out loud.

Before my mom got sick, the vaccine was a huge topic of discussion. My husband and children and I were not vaccinated - the rest of the extended family was. We hadn't severed ties over it, but it was a source of tension.

I took my mom to the hospital on June 12, 2022. From that day on, none of us talked about it anymore.

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Great questions! I think one of the answers is that we’re awake. The others, as wonderful as they are, have not yet awakened from the heavy overlay of mind control that’s been rampant since the advent of television. Maybe they’re younger souls that still need to go through that type of learning. My beloved sister in law took the shot or shots and got some sort of pneumonia and died 8 months later. No one put two and two together. So many others I know died as a result. But because the clever people who are behind this made sure that 80% of the shots were placebos, it was really hard for most folks to connect the dots.

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