The fricking "experts," I can't wait for them to tell us "Wank, wank, wank, then want. wank."

Or maybe, just maybe, a real doctor will take charge, and we'll get some results (or not).

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It makes me so angry at what has been done to your previously healthy mother, absout monsters.

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Listen to the video of Mike Yeadon :


He explains the mechanisms of mRNA that lead inevitably to cancer

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My older sister who was going through chemo poisoning, one day pointed out to me a lump in her neck. She said it popped up out of nowhere. The "experts" didn't care. Her body was being overdosed with chemo and more cancerous lumps were appearing including one on her forehead. Standard "cancer treatment" operating procedure.

Cancer treatment is a TOTAL failure, and yet most do not see it.

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