Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Kristi yapp

I spent the weekend reading your story. Throughout, I was thinking about how to thank you. You're telling of your mother's story inspired me. I agree, I think there is an EVERYMAN aspect to it. At least for me, so much that has happened/is happening to you has happened to me. The example of your mother is inspiring in itself. I loved all the smiling pictures of your mother. Seeing the pictures and hearing her continued resolve to be strong, feel gratitude, and persevere with a loving heart made me want to be like her. But the *you* part of the story was just as powerful. Your thoughts about things, your ideas, your incredible ability to write.... these things were equally inspiring to me. It made me want to smile like your mother, and name and push back on all the bad things happening RIGHT NOW like you. You're telling your own story spoke to me as deeply as You're telling of your mother's story. This was/is a huge project. Thank you SO MUCH for taking it on. I hadn't realized how much I needed to ruminate on ALL THESE THINGS until I found myself absolutely mesmerized by your story. I was surprised and happy to see this new day. I felt like I understood you're leaving your story where you did, but I had wondered what happened next. I will happily report typos, if I see them in the future. I believe this will be a powerful book.

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Thank you so much. Knowing that my story is meaningful to others provides a feeling that I cannot quite describe.

I am coming to the end of the story. There is still a little bit more to tell. I'm starting to wonder what it will feel like to be done.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Kristi yapp

I went back to edit my response and it ended up cutting things of. Yes, your story is incredibly meaningful to me. I truly hadn't realized how much reading someone else's story could help me. I can imagine it will feel odd to be done. But I think having it all together in one place and printed out will be a powerful feeling, and bring with it it'sown freeing energy. This gift of writing will be DONE, and I can only imagine that, when the time is right, that you have other stories to tell.

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I'm very touched by your story, too, Kristi. Your honesty, thoughtfulness and boundless love for your mother shine through. We need to know how terribly people were harmed and how much they've suffered and continue to suffer as a result of this holocaust. Thank you!

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Holocaust, holocaust. That is the perfect word for what has happened and is happening.

The powers that be continue to find ways to extend the holocaust. This should not be allowed!

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Purpose? The pain she endured, and that you witnessed was to shine the light on the medical industry evils and expose them so that people can defend themselves and avoid these evils.

Greed and addiction and deceit are three evils that quickly come to mind, but there are more.

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Jul 2Liked by Kristi yapp

"She had lived her story, so that I could tell her story. My role was that of a witness and of a scribe. My mom’s suffering has the potential to expose the corrupt and malevolent force that our medical system has become."

This. Even if you reach just ONE person, in God's will that is what is needed. Society only changes one person at a time. You are doing God's work and even if you never see it, you are a blessing for many, many people caught up in the medical industrial complex.

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Jul 1Liked by Kristi yapp

This is such an incredibly powerful story - it moves me to tears - but in a good way. Proof that one voice can truly be more powerful than the thousands of lies we’ve been told over and over again. There is nothing like the truth to set you free.

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Jul 1Liked by Kristi yapp

Harkening to an earlier day... That point about how they couldn't determine what is IN the fluid of the lump unless they are told what they are looking for and can then say YES it is there or NO it isn't...I would love for someone who has knowledge of lab research to say whether or not this is REALLY how it works. Or are "they" just, in general, unwilling to "go fishing", worried about what they might find?

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The pain of your mother had a greater importance for the humanity, she paid for the sins of others. Why her? Because she was capable of supporting such great suffering and still remain in faith.

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