I share each installment of your story with my husband. I want him to face the horror of what the medical system has devolved to. He knew it was bad from when we interacted with it for my health. I told him never again, I never want to step foot in a hospital EVER again. He asks "but what if you're dying??" I say, "then I stay home and die surrounded by people who love me". Anything short of guaranteed death, I will figure out how to solve myself.

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I agree, Kiwi…….Home Death is so much better than hospital death.

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Beautiful photo. Thank you for sharing your family with us.

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Jun 24Liked by Kristi yapp

Look at those handsome boys! Thank you for sharing them.

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The medical system is 95% fake.

They have lots of power to hurt you or kill you.

They can cut, poison and burn - they cannot heal.

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What else could you do? Seriously, now, if they are starting Fentanyl patches, how do I not spend my day up there?

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I’m so sorry that you lost your precious mom to cancer and I know you’ll always deeply miss her. I’m horrified by the way she was treated and that her pain needs weren’t met. My mother passed from a rare lung cancer that spread to her spine. Her cancer had no clear treatment options so other than surgery she was spared from the side effects of treatment, which she likely would have refused. When she entered hospice it was in our home and the hospice staff that visited were wonderful caring people. My mom’s pain meds were provided before she even needed them with clear instructions on the timing of their use. The entire time we cared for her, it appeared that she was comfortable so the pain meds did their job. My prayer was that she would be spared great pain and we were fortunate that she passed peacefully into Heaven.

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You did all of the right things. If I were given a terminal diagnosis today, I would go directly to hospice.

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