Jun 23Liked by Kristi yapp

Oh Kristy. You do great honor to your precious mother in these posts. I can only hope that her story will reach people working in the industry and lead them to repentance.

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Jun 23Liked by Kristi yapp

“What I witnessed in 2022 was the consequence of the greater society’s acceptance of a set of outrageous and inhumane “new rules.” It is not the system that has made us slaves. It is through our compliance with the system that we have enslaved ourselves.”

THIS. All of this.


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Jun 23Liked by Kristi yapp

Redemption is something that is God’s greatest act. It’s the theme we return to as people of faith (faith in a redeeming God)

Thank you for writing. It’s part of redeeming the story from the horror that your mama, and those who loved her experienced.

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In Indonesia and Africa it is normal and expected for family to care for a sick relative in the hospital. People line the hallways and will sleep on the floor against the walls, covered in blankets. They bring food from home for themselves, the staff, and their loved one. The staff are a lot more caring in general, especially for old people. A lot of Australians are now choosing to go to Bali and Thailand to live out their golden years and die there for this reason. I have definitely thought about this for myself, and spoken to my family about this.

Documents as promised: https://www.cms.gov/files/document/summary-covid-19-emergency-declaration-waivers.pdf

-HHS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Trump administration. (From Katherine Watt's Substack).

Exempted health care providers from patient care standards and regulations that would legally apply in non-pandemic circumstances; authorized stripping patients of their rights to have family members and pastors/rabbis visit them and advocate for them in the hospital or nursing home; supported hospital demands that law enforcement officers remove family and pastors from the premises by force; created conditions for death protocols of restraint, withheld water and nutrition, forcible administration of Remdesivir and forcible connection to ventilators under the ICD-10 codes.

Australian military runs hospital in Tasmania:


Photo ops: https://images.defence.gov.au/assets/S20201597

US military in US hospitals during covid:

Sasha Latypova would be the go-to for documents here.

However, I found this: https://www.dvidshub.net/

This is run by all the joint branches of the US armed forces and it is a massive trove of photos and videos. I typed 'covid' in the search bar and there are thousands of photos and videos of military service personnel in medical centres describing and carrying out Operation Warp Speed. I bet you can find what you are looking for here.

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My MIL just signed papers to get out of the hospital. She had multiple tests multiple times, CT scans, labs, EKG, echo's....and was offered (and took) multiple opioids. She has 4 broken ribs from a fall, but they could find absolutely nothing else wrong (they tried). Her food was disgusting. Once, while I was there, a nurse flew in to put her on oxy bc "she was tired of seeing her drop into the 70's!" She never once dropped that low, and I was watching it like a hawk (she would get to 88 if she talked too much and then bump right back to the low-mid 90's). But now she was needing to get weaned from it. She took fentanyl. She got afib (she has zero heart issues) and when I questioned the fentanyl was told it "burns off quickly" and wouldn't affect the heart. I sent a screen shot (visiting hours, you know) of the common side effects of fentanyl which I circled "irregular heartbeat". I said, get off that and then see if it's your inflammed lungs or the drug. But to be so off handed, no it couldn't be the drug... They originally talked about a chest tube to which thankfully my MIL agreed NOT to do. She's out today to heal her own ribs slowly, over time, which is really the only thing that can happen and she was probably awake and astute enough, even in pain, to advocate for herself when I could not be there. But it is the worst time in the world, those hours between 8pm-8am, when occupants are at the mercy of whomever is overseeing them.

At the end of the day, you can decide risk/benefit of going to the hospital knowing that they do a lot of fishing and there can be a slippery slope. You could stay home and die under herb poultices. You could go to the hospital and die from a punctured lung and infection from a chest tube.

How do you want to live? How do you want to die?

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I know my answer. Just drop me off in the forest and leave me with the plants.

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Jun 23Liked by Kristi yapp

Certainly NOT in a hospital surrounded by people who really don’t care whether you live or die!

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Jun 23Liked by Kristi yapp

So oxy stops your oxygen from falling. Didn't know that. WOW!!!

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Jun 24Liked by Kristi yapp

"What am I going to do with only 400 ventilators, oops I mean oxy packets!"

-signed mass murderer Cuomo

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Jun 24Liked by Kristi yapp

I would like this comment but stupid Substack is broken and won't let me like anyone's comments. In Substack's world it is good enough for gubermint work.

"How do you want to live? How do you want to die?"

A question everyone should ask themselves, but won't.

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I am so sorry, for you, and the countless people the medical system has let down.

We sure didn't plan it that way, but forces above us did make it that way.

Profiting off of others less fortunate, that is what we have become.

I can't tell you or anyone how disgusted I feel, people trusted us, lots of people, everyday people, trusted us - me! Prior to this 'pandemic' or whatever you wish to call it, we had the highest trust in the land, and now, only a fool trust's any person still in medicine.

Again, I am so very sorry.

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The system hijacked medicine because of the potential for profit. Those who run the system milked it dry. Now it is in the end stages of its life.

You are doing your part by being honest and sharing the truth. Doctors who practiced medicine before it became corporatized can help lead us back to a different time.

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Jun 23Liked by Kristi yapp

Kristie your mom’s story breaks my heart and makes me so angry! Hugs!

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Kristi yapp

"Ventilators? Remdesivir? They knew better."

Of course they knew better. But hospitals had huge monetary incentives for (1) claiming a patient had the Scary Virus, and (2) inflicting those deadly treatments on a patient who had the Scary Virus.

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Jun 23Liked by Kristi yapp

Kristi, such horror inflicted on the helpless could only be done by monsters.

I am so very sorry for your mom's terrible suffering, and for your entire family's pain and loss as well.

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Never comply with anything except your own intuition!!!

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Jun 24Liked by Kristi yapp

During the insanity I was liaison for several family members in hospital and rehabs. I never once got a Dr to call me back, in spite of the fact 2 of them were not mentally capable of making decisions. So many lies told. And the utter stupidity of the staff. So nonchalant about handing out drugs with black box warnings - they wanted to give my sister, in hospital with COVID but only needing O2 - a drug with a black label saying NOT to give if the patient is ill. When I demanded they not give it to her they told me that if I wasn't going to allow her to have any more drugs then she would be discharged. Which I took as a blatant admittance that they are only about the money. In spite of 3 of her family telling them that there was to be NO remdesivir, they put her on it.

This is STILL going on today. A friend went to the hospital with lung infection and they tried to talk him into being intubated. He absolutely refused. He said the food was despicable but if he asked for food between meal times he could get a ham sandwich which was better than plated meals. He fled after 2 days, preferring to treat himself at home.

What got into these nurses? Are only the less than stellar ones left after the mandates? Are these all new grads who were thrown into the mix and have never learned from good ones? In some hospitals more money is spent on administration salaries than good doctors. Perhaps we need to start waging campaigns against the admins and the boards who run these places.

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The administrators get all the money. The doctors get huge salaries and profit through gifts from pharmaceutical companies.

What incentive was there for thee nurses - besides their paycheck?

I think that the good ones left. The mediocre ones keep their blinders on and do as they are told. The rest are sadistic.

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Jun 24Liked by Kristi yapp

Hospitals have always been bad, disgusting places, at least in my 58 years on this planet. The hospital my sister went to when she was being killed from "cancer treatment" told her that her oncologist (who had his own practice not at the hospital) had overdosed her with chemo.

Did the hospital staff do anything about it? Did they sanction my sister's oncologist, did they suggest my sister's family sue for malpractice, did they help my sister at all while she lay poisoned in the hospital bed from chemo overdose?

Hell no. They did nothing. I remember my sister laying in the hospital bed unable to walk or eat, looking like a skeleton from the poison. My sister told me she was so mad at her doctor for overdosing her and mad at the hospital for doing nothing. She said "no more."

We discharged her from the useless, evil hospital and she went home to die less than 3 weeks later.

Again ""How do you want to live? How do you want to die?"

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So sorry... it's deplorable how they ruin the end of life... our final days blighted.

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leggere la tua storia è un po' come ripercorrere quello che ha vissuto mia mamma. solo piccole differenze ma, in sostanza, tutto uguale. tieni conto che io sono italiana e la situazione da noi, negli ospedali era ancora più marcata (e lo è ancora). adesso a distanza di quasi 3 anni dalla sua morte mi trovo ancora a lottare per lei. qui la giustizia, i tribunai, i giudici hanno ancora il paraocchi e continuano ad ostacolare. a distanza di quasi 3 anni dalla sua morte sono riuscita finalmente ad avere il nome del medico che le ha iniettato quel veleno mortale (se fosse stata morsa da un cobra presumo sarebbe ancora via). ma non demordo: gli ho fatto causa per omicidio. ho lottato. lotto. continuerò a lottare fino a quando non avrò la giustizia che le spetta. un abbraccio sincero e caloroso.♥

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So sorry about your mother.

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Mi dispiace tanto per la tua perdita! Non so leggere o parlare italiano, ma sto usando un programma di traduzione online. Qui negli Stati Uniti c'è pochissima giustizia per coloro che sono stati uccisi dal punto di vista medico durante il COVID, ma ci sono alcune persone che cercano in tutti i modi di portare alla luce la verità. Spero che tu ottenga un po' di giustizia per tua madre. Nessuna persona dovrebbe essere trattata così male come lo sono state le persone confinate negli ospedali durante il COVID. Che Dio vi conforti nel vostro dolore. Un abbraccio a te dagli Stati Uniti.

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translation: reading your story is a bit like retracing what my mom went through. only small differences but, in essence, all the same. keep in mind that I am Italian and the situation here, in hospitals was even more pronounced (and still is). now almost 3 years after her death I still find myself fighting for her. here the justice, the tribunai, the judges still have blinders on and continue to obstruct. almost 3 years after her death i was finally able to get the name of the doctor who injected her with that deadly poison (if she had been bitten by a cobra i presume she would still be away). but i do not give up: i sued him for murder. i fought. i fight. i will continue to fight until i get the justice she deserves. a sincere and warm hug.♥

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Before America shut down we were being shown images of elderly dying in Italy. from here, it was made to appear as if they were dying at home, in large numbers. We were told that your government was having trouble keeping up with the collecting of the bodies. It was a part of the fear campaign.

I am sorry for you and for your mother. None of this should have happened.

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Jun 24Liked by Kristi yapp

non molti morivano in casa, la maggioranza sono morti in ospedale. a casa non venivano curati , la cura era "tachipirina e vigile attesa", quindi nessuna cura. chiaramente peggioravano e poi finivano in ospedale, dove c'erano le incentivazioni per i malati covid e per le terapie intensive, infine per la sedazione profonda e la ventilazione forzata. ecco il perchè ci sono stati tutti quei morti..... pochissimi erano dovuti al covid. e adesso sono convinti che la gente si fidi ancora dei medici! mamma mia che mondo assurdo che è diventato. una bacio e un abbraccio a te Kristi e a chi ti legge.♥

not many died at home, the majority died in the hospital. at home they were not treated , the treatment was "tachipirin and watchful waiting," so no treatment. clearly they got worse and then ended up in the hospital, where there were incentives for covid patients and intensive care, finally for deep sedation and forced ventilation. that's why there were all those deaths..... very few were due to covid. and now they are convinced that people still trust doctors! mamma mia what a crazy world it has become. a kiss and a hug to you Kristi and those who read you.♥

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Kristi do you have a pdf file of all your articles together? If not, can you make one available to download in case they delete all? It’s important for the humanity to remember. Thank you 🙏

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I do have it all compiled. I am hoping to publish a physical book that cannot be deleted.

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