Jun 20Liked by Kristi yapp

I’m so sorry, Kristi.

My husband has two kinds of cancer from the vaccine and I am learning so much from you.

I’ve known from the first that his cancers were from the shots but from your story, my eyes have been opened.

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So sorry.

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Your own common sense and your own instincts should always override anything that any doctor ever tells you.

I like this post, it is awakening and enlightenment and recognition of evil .

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Jun 20Liked by Kristi yapp

“She had brought homemade root vegetable soup and Irish soda bread. “

Oh the emotions and comfort those words enveloped me with! Such an act of love!

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"I came face to face with those who have chosen to work for Satan, himself."

I am so sorry, so very sorry.

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My heart breaks for you and your mom!

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>I came face to face with those who have chosen to work for Satan, himself.

So have I Kristi. So many times. Now that their raison d'etre has ostensibly been removed, I have difficulty identifying them. People expect me to be 'normal.' To just 'get on with my life.' I walk among monsters who look like mothers, bus drivers, mayors and dog catchers, and my skin crawls.

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It can feel very difficult to be out in the real world, trying to interact in day to day life. by writing my story publicly, I realize I need to live in two different realities.

I can't walk up to people in the grocery store and say "My mom was killed by the vaccine." I don't know how they will react.

I have learned that true compassion is rare. Perhaps people are scared to feel those feelings - to allow themselves to really hurt. They will do ANYTHING to avoid emotion.

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It may be utter terror of facing the stark truth, that is behind this emotional fleeing.

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This is why veterans have 'lodges.' At some point you simply do not want to be around other people.

Today at the doctor's office I had to stand in a broom closet before I was seen because I would not mask or test. The door was open and I was only a few meters away from reception and everyone could see me. People walking to their appointments would walk right by me. When I told the girl that I would not mask or test she rolled her eyes at me.

During the appointment the doctor said 'you seem stressed and depressed.' After the appointment the same girl laughed at my eperience and thought it was funny. I am so, so, tired of this.

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The entire medical industry has gone rotten and it’s best to avoid it as much as you can.

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Your mother had an ethereal beauty even at the end. How does the world go on with the corporeal destruction around us? We must do it for the younger generations!

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Cancer-Drug Costs Skyrocket, Leaving Even Insured Patients in Financial Ruin

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Joan Rivers said “we all know it”. Cancer didn’t exist before vaccines. If people stopped vaccinating, they would not get cancer. And we all know that if the chemo and radiation didn’t make such huge scene, profits cancer would not exist. We all know it.

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