This all makes me so angry! Bless you for sharing this story. The truth needs to be seen.

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Jun 17Liked by Kristi yapp

You are correct- no word will suffice.

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The medical industry is much worse than you think it is! MD is the highest paid salary, and the people who attracts are those who want to make the most money. The entire system is engineered only to make it profits, from every angle.. Homebirth. Homeopathy. Home death. Self-medicate. Herbalism..

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I had a home birth with my second and third child. with the forth we were unable to find a midwife because the law and liability in Illinois had become too difficult to work within and too expensive. That last baby is now eighteen years old.

Little by little, big corporations have taken ownership of the system. Those who lead the corporations are motivated by efficiency and profit. As you point out - the doctors who are considered most successful are those who bring in the most money. They are the "experts" in their field.

When the doctor is successful, he gets a big check, is hailed as a hero and gets his picture in the paper. When the doctor fails, he gets a big check, shrugs his shoulders, says he did his best, and moves on to the next sucker.

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Thank God I was born before all this crap. Only child Vax I received was smallpox.

Don't get flu shots EVER. Haven't had the "flu" for several decades.

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My condolences. They really ate using us as guinea pigs

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We don't even get the consideration that a lab rat gets. We're Fauci's beagles, it is dressed up to appear human, but devoid of humanity.

All in pursuit of a dollar, the only important outcome, the only possible outcome.

I'm as disgusted now, as I was when I overheard a technician describe the process 25 years ago.

And they both were LAUGHING!

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I feel as if they laugh at us all of the time. As a group, the population of western society has come to accept obvious and blatant lies. Many walk around, as if they are in a trance, accepting all of the bright shiny plastic and larger-than-life images as real.

Sometimes I picture a group of business men, sitting around and laughing at how much they are able to force us to accept.

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It is infuriating, isn't it?

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Cancer could be cured if it was not such a moneymaker! And if vacks stopped cancer would be one in 1 million.

Look up Dr. Bernice Eddy and also Dr Sarah Stewart. Each of them had their lab closed, their animals destroyed, their career ruined when their work proved.vacks caused cancer. The NIH had proof and they evilly covered it up.

Dr Ochsner promoted vacks and one of his own grandchildren died when he vaccinated, but he still covered it up and promoted it.

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There really are no words, it's a literal waking nightmare. I don't have cancer, so I definitely don't understand what your mum went through, but I've nearly died from medical arrogance. I also put myself through tests that crippled me further in the futile attempt at relief. My husband felt just as helpless watching me suffer severe untouchable pain. Very lucky for me I got out while I still could and saved my own life. I have no tolerance for their abuse. And the 'medical system' murder machine in my country isn't even like the USA, they don't even do it to get rich here.

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So many people get stuck in the system and cannot see a way out. It takes incredible strength to walk away from the system that, throughout our lives, has been promoted as "best". You are a bad ass (which is a good thing to be- I don't think this fight is over yet).

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Thank you <3

You're a bad ass too!

It's amazing you were able to learn from your mum's experience.

My husband went through a very similar experience to you with his mum. She died much quicker, which I now see as a blessing as she avoided much of the torment your mum experienced. She was diagnosed at stage 4, and our public funded medical system moves VERY slowly. She had few treatments before going to palliative care, where she was slowly tortured to death in her finals weeks, I'll never forget or forgive those monsters! My husbands mother was so much like your mum, an ex nurse with a very similar disposition. I was ready to to fight every doctor that mistreated her, the way she would ferociously fight ignorant and incompetent docs on behalf of her patients for all those decades as a nurse. I was equipped with the medical knowledge to do so from researching my own health, and I was already aware of the murder machines true nature at that point.

But she didn't want anyone to make a fuss.

Given she wasn't my mum, and I hadn't even known her that long, I respected her and my husbands wishes to leave it alone. It's a story being repeated through all the western world and it's awful.

The only upside is people are starting to take back control of their own health, and finally see the 'medical service' for the murder machine that it's always been!

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“She didn’t want anyone to make a fuss.”

The system takes advantage of the kind-hearted. The ones who avoid confrontation and want to make everyone happy.

So evil.

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Extremely evil indeed.

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Why do it then?

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Are you referring to why did I do the tests, or why do docs here do what they do when they aren't compensated as much as docs / insurance companies in the USA?

If why did I, I foolishly still thought the system could help with severe stuff, though I'd long abandoned them for minor to moderate issues.

If you are referring to why docs here. Most seem to get into it wanting to help people. Why they keep going, seeing the reality day to day that they are NOT helping people, no clue. It's still a well paid job here, and they have their medical school debts, maybe that's enough motivation?

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I think all hospitals have tiny private rooms with a bed and a bathroom. Doctors etc go there to rest. As the Mother of a patient I was allowed to stay in one overnight when I was exhausted from care giving.

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There were so many empty rooms. They had entire wings shut down due to low capacity and short staffing.

I don't know what it was like for hospital staff during the pandemic - but my sense was that they were scared to break any of the rules. All of the doors were locked and people questioned me if I walked into an area with patients.

It seems that, ten years ago, they would have offered a place to lay down. People were kinder to one another. Now it is all about adhering to policy.

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I read your posts but I can’t “like” them because I just want to cry. A hospital/doctors/surgeons killed my family member last year. Just one more surgery, they said, to remove tumors that weren’t cancerous and weren’t causing any symptoms, and my family member agreed, because he wanted to live to take care of his wife who had a stroke pre covid. Officially “died of complications from surgery.” BS. Pulmonary embolism, seizures, sepsis, heart stopped multiple times, and the family had to make the decision to take him off of life support. They killed him. Sadly, the immediate family had him buried within days, and asked no questions.

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The medical industry is a good example of narcissism. Their egos won’t allow them to admit how little they actually know. They would rather kill you than admit their failures.

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This is absolutely true. so much of this was exposed by the pandemic. On every level. Many have exposed their willingness to be cruel.

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