Sadists, wanting nothing but to extract the last little bit of suffering from the 'patient.'

That's the real reason they waited to do the 'tests.'

Why do them when she was more able to handle them, why not wait, when the agony would be unbearable. That's the real motivation here. Bastards.

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I can't see it any way other than what you describe. This is all that makes sense.

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Right now my doctor wants me to do a mammogram. I think that thermography with ultrasound is as reliable as a mammogram. The more they need to keep taking pictures, the more the radiation. Also the uncomfortable boob squeeze and I have to question if the mammogram doesn't end up spreading cancer by somehow affecting lymph nodes.

Anyway I don't get why insurance pays for mammograms and not thermography. "A thermography machine uses an infrared camera to detect temperature differences within your breast tissue." Thermography shouldn't cost very much at all. The expense should really be in hiring a trained technician. "During a thermogram screening, the machine never touches your body". You could buy a device measuring heat fluctuations on Amazon for under 100 bucks.

Thermography doesn't sound expensive at all and ultrasound doesn't really seem to be more expensive than mammograms. Why do the push for mammograms which may be more expensive, more radiation, more harmful to the patients, and way more uncomfortable?


While I am at it. Why again is my dentist pushing Fluoride. Why is there a fluoride warning on my toothpaste? What happens if a little kid swallows a tube of minty toothpaste? Their guardian would be instructed to call poison control as per the box of toothpaste. Fluoride may indeed kill the bad bacteria that is on your teeth, but that is like burning down your house to kill a spider. You may have got rid of the spider, but you lost your house too. Fluoride eats through glass and cement. It is highly toxic. It kills that thyroid, the pineal gland. It is a neurotoxin and destroys the endocrine system. Doesn't sound like good health to me. Why the hell is this shit in our water. It even lowers a child IQ. Still haven't had the courage yet to ask my fluoride loving dentist what a "fluoride bomb" is.

Fluoride and mammograms sounds like a Rockerfeller slow kill weapon to me.



Then when you add all the toxic shots the doctors are always pushing with heavy metals and other toxins in it, and I am starting to think a lot of times it is THE DOCTOR THAT MAKES PEOPLE SICK. WTH???

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The system wants us to be fat, lazy, depressed, drugged, confused and ill. We are useful as workers - but easily replaced.

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Jun 15Liked by Kristi yapp


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I understand what you going through.

Sending good vibes and 🩵🩵🩵🩵🙏🏽☕️☕️😊

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Put her on IVERMECTIN.




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My mom is already gone. I hope that her story will somehow convince others to listen to people like you.

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I am so sorry. My son passed in 2018. One week before Christmas.

Our family, such as it is; we don't really do Christmas anymore.

My husband drinks a lot. He wasn't my son's father. My 1st husband and I got along better than I do with #2. He's a mean drunk with mother issues. Hates my daughters. His mother drank herself to death ay 62, leaving Bill and me to deal with Ina. We got her Into one of the first dementia nursing homes in my hometown.

Close to where Bill and I live.

She had enough $, that her care was paid for. None of the grandkids went to see her. My mom and I stopped in about twice a month.

She was bedridden but she always had a smile for you.

So you see, it could be worse

Now Bill is going into dementia.

Wants me to move out.

He hates me

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I wonder why they didn't prescribe Xanax. That sometimes even puts the patient to sleep. Though I guess if she was in horrific pain that it may not still have worked. So sorry your Mom went though all of this.

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She was on huge doses of oxy. They always said to take a pain pill one hour before a test- but the drugs were not at all effective at controlling the pain.

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I think oxy and Xanax together suppress the breathing too much? Not sure.

Kristi you did your best for your Mom.

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