You are RIGHT!

I'm so sorry, but we are all slaves to this 'system.'

Until we choose not to be.

For some of us, that choice has come too late, like myself, sort of.

I'm 68 and forgo doctor 'visits.'

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Jun 8Liked by Kristi yapp

I’m so sorry. You found out the hard way-while in the midst of treatment. I knew from the moment of diagnosis that my mother would die. That the treatments would kill her. I just didn’t know how compliant she would be. Ignoring evidence. That was a surprise.

I read this and ache. It’s been 27 years so I don’t cry every time think about it, but the ache of regret is still there.

And the anger toward the doctors who participated in the scheme. From the addict dr who played with her symptoms to keep her coming to him until it was too late, to the oncologist who refused to listen to our (legitimate) concerns about her choice of medications combining with our mom’s medical history.

I’m so sorry for your pain. For your losses. Life is so stinking hard

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Jun 8Liked by Kristi yapp

Your mom is so beautiful in her photograph. I can see her youth through her lovely smile.

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Jun 9Liked by Kristi yapp

"The system, itself, is run by psychopaths."

Everyone in the world should read "The Cancer Ward" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. This is the playbook for the cancer industrial complex, and absolutely nothing has changed. It is the most depressing book I have ever read.


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To think that Jesus took our place caring enough to suffer for us

He was not in the “system”

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