We are with you for the journey this time around, Kristi.

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I remember having kidneystones years ago, solved by quitting drinking of iced tea.

The first two times I had an attack, simple trip to the X-ray machine seemed to fix it.

The third time was much worse, it hurt so bad that I could not even see. After 9 shots of morphine, the doctor, had gotten to know me pretty well, he called the anesthesiologist to knock me out.

I woke up hours later, no pain, still pretty messed up from morphine. All the doctors wanted to know how I stood it, I didn't, but one, an oncologist that said "Now you know what those cancer patients go through."

That fact has never been lost on me.

The stone had cut my ureter from kidney to bladder, 21 days later I was discharged.

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Oof. Unimaginable.

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Oh my word…….

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