Insurance was billed that much. They didn't pay near that amount. If you want another thing to be perturbed about, a deep dive into how insurance works and how we, the taxpayer, end up footing that bill too, will do it for ya.
We foot the bill for this "research" but then aren't allowed to see it unless we pay tons of money to each journal.
We have cures for cancer, we've had them for years, Dr's and scientists have been sued over their cures. We aren't allowed to have them, the govt and big pharma won't allow it thanks to JD Rockefeller with his petroleum based poisonous medicines and vaccines. We have cures for a lot of things, we just can't have them because they make money off of "grants and research." Only chemo and radiation are approved treatments. The system is designed to keep you sick and keep coming back. If one drug causes a side effect well there's another pill for that and so on and so on. There is no money to being made in being healthy. Speaking from a former cancer patient.
The elite of the system see the common people as cockroaches. They have no concern about our well being. We have to educate ourselves and demand the life God has allowed us to live.
🤍 I now understand that “the powers that be” have been using our tax money and donations and fund raising and grants to create new ways to maim and murder humanity.
Actually, I think the fact that Eve added to God's words is what gave the devil an opening to suggest that it was better for her to rely on her own wisdom than to obey and trust God.
It is a deep story with a variety of interpretations and meanings - as all parables tend to be. Simple and complex. I don't disagree with you - clearly the snake had malicious intent. We are at a time now, however, when people either open their eyes up and recognize the evil or be destroyed.
Except it's not a parable. It's a historical narrative. I don't disagree with you however about choosing to recognize or ignore the evil in front of us.
A million dollars to fail! Did you ever wonder how much to be successful?
Its a cruel system, how many lives have been destroyed? How many?
it is a number that is beyond comprehension
The cancer industrial complex can never be successful, no matter how much money is thrown at it.
I am so sorry.
Insurance was billed that much. They didn't pay near that amount. If you want another thing to be perturbed about, a deep dive into how insurance works and how we, the taxpayer, end up footing that bill too, will do it for ya.
We foot the bill for this "research" but then aren't allowed to see it unless we pay tons of money to each journal.
The system is completely corrupt.
All true. The research is not to find a cure. The research is to keep the propaganda alive. There’s too much money to be made on the treatment
We have cures for cancer, we've had them for years, Dr's and scientists have been sued over their cures. We aren't allowed to have them, the govt and big pharma won't allow it thanks to JD Rockefeller with his petroleum based poisonous medicines and vaccines. We have cures for a lot of things, we just can't have them because they make money off of "grants and research." Only chemo and radiation are approved treatments. The system is designed to keep you sick and keep coming back. If one drug causes a side effect well there's another pill for that and so on and so on. There is no money to being made in being healthy. Speaking from a former cancer patient.
Exactly. Well said
Thank you! They make things so frustrating and difficult for patients. 😡
1. We see eyes opening, and it makes life more mentally/emotionally difficult to see the evil.
2. Cancer is big business.
The elite of the system see the common people as cockroaches. They have no concern about our well being. We have to educate ourselves and demand the life God has allowed us to live.
🤍 I now understand that “the powers that be” have been using our tax money and donations and fund raising and grants to create new ways to maim and murder humanity.
Actually, I think the fact that Eve added to God's words is what gave the devil an opening to suggest that it was better for her to rely on her own wisdom than to obey and trust God.
It is a deep story with a variety of interpretations and meanings - as all parables tend to be. Simple and complex. I don't disagree with you - clearly the snake had malicious intent. We are at a time now, however, when people either open their eyes up and recognize the evil or be destroyed.
Except it's not a parable. It's a historical narrative. I don't disagree with you however about choosing to recognize or ignore the evil in front of us.