Kristi, I love your Mom! 💖 I love her strength, her courage & her positive attitude! Throughout all of this nightmare she kept her journal and always ended with a quote that was hopeful .She was doing her part. She was believing. She was trusting.

She just didn’t understand that the medical system we’ve always had in this country had been compromised by FRAUDCI, DASZAK, COLLINS et al who have been practicing how to create a BIOWEAPON. Especially Peter DASZAK! Compromised by the CIA at some time in his early life, he was completely onboard using labs in UKRAINE and in WUHAN to create this very “JAB”. The C19 virus is NOT the bioweapon. THE JAB IS THE BIOWEAPON! Remember Victoria Nuland answering Marco Rubio’s question about “RESEARCH LABS IN UKRAINE”? as YES, THERE ARE ABOUT 14 US SPONSORED RESEARCH LABS THAT WE’RE TRYING TO KEEP OUT OF RUSSIA’s HANDS!!!”

Do you all remember that scene in “Red October” where the character, Jack Ryan is trying to figure out how the defecting crew of that nuclear sub, is going to get the crew off? Then he figured it out! Fake a nuclear reactor leak! Well, FRAUDCI et al figured out a way to get us so terrified of a completely normal virus, that we would be willing to PUT ANYTHING TO SUPPOSEDLY PROTECT US AGAINST THAT VIRUS INTO OUR BODIES. What better way to do that than with an innocuous vaccine?? IT LITERALLY MAKES ME SICK THAT THEY WOULD TURN OUR MEDICAL SYSTEM INTO A MURDERING SYSTEM!!

We’ve all received vaccines (THAT WORKED) against polio, small pox, tetanus, whooping cough etc. They all seemed so harmless and they worked! So why not use a system that people trust to actually destroy them instead?? HOW EVIL AND INSANE IS THAT??!!

Your Mom’s willingness to keep trying with a medical system that had been weaponized against her, was not her fault. She didn’t realize that her Drs were not always doing their part. Why the first surgeon didn’t tie off those lymphatic vessels that were part of the lymph node they initially removed is just mind boggling! And the untold suffering she endured because of that Dr’s decision really is incalculable.

So then we come to, why does God allow these things to happen? Why does he allow evil people like FRAUDCI and DASZAK to exist? That’s a very real question that deserves a real answer. For that matter, why did God allow evil people to take the life of His Son? After all, God knows what they are going to do from the beginning. He could stop all of this immediately. But if He stopped it, would their punishment be just? After all, they could say, we didn’t actually do that-we were stopped before we did anything wrong so you cannot punish us just bc we thought about it. It’s like “Minority Report” where they arrest people just bc they thought about something. Where does God draw the line? He drew the line long ago. “Thou shalt not murder.”

The one quality of God that we know we can trust is that He is just. All of the other qualities that He possesses are equally trustworthy. So, we must leave the judgment of all evil people in His hands bc He will deal with them as they deserve to be dealt with.

Of us it is required that we RAISE THE WARNING VOICE! WE ARE ALL PROPHETS IN THE WILDERNESS CRYING ALOUD, DO NOT TRUST THE MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT OR THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY WITH YOUR HEALTH!!! DO NOT BELIEVE THEM!! DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND FIND OUT ALL THE INFORMATION THAT YOU CAN. You must take care of YOUR OWN HEALTH BEFORE ANY PROBLEM PRESENTS ITSELF. And then if you must trust your Dr, make sure you know exactly what will be prescribed and if there are any alternatives. If there are, tell your Dr what you want instead! YOU have the power over your own body. And from now on NEVER BUY INTO THE “FEAR MESSAGES” AGAIN!! When you are afraid, YOU STOP THINKING!! ACT NOW for your OWN HEALTH!

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I believe that my mom suffered in order to wake people up. What happened to her does not make sense - and anyone who reads her story would be hard-pressed to make sense of it.

and she is one of millions

I will keep talking as long as I have a voice. I am not known or famous - but I believe that it will be our voices combined that matter.

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“False profits” indeed! Your poor Mom, but she is with Jesus now. But my very heartfelt condolences to you and your family. The “healthcare “ system is sick and demonic!

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Wow, 1 day to go. Hopes, fears, it all rests on a doctor's hands, if only God would guide them. It all sounds too simple, too easy, not counting on the pain, torment, of getting to the hospital, of getting to the position of sleep, wonderful sleep, while the doctor practices his trade.

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How I wish it could have been simple.

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