Preach it, Kristi!

Let the 💔truths be known about a horrible “industry”.

Your mom would be so proud of you!

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What do you trust, a computer screen with its fantasies, or life you see slipping away.

To the doctors it is reassuring, to us, a lie.

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A perfect perspective on what the evil doers have done to us!! I can’t imagine the depth of sorrow you must feel at what was done to your mother. It was so unnecessary. I’m sorry for her suffering - and yours!

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There are very few people who understand the nature of evil like you Kristi. I am so, so honoured to read your writing. Yours is a rare, raw, honest gift.

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Thank you so much.

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Thank you for putting into words what so many feel and know! I so appreciate it.

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Exactly. Disease comes when we believe the ones who say they know more than our God-given bodies. Without mankind poisoning us, there would be no need for doctors

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Editorial fairy:

>Beside, it might not have


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