The realization that you are losing the battle, badly, pushed some people to do the extreme thing, the Canadian are working their way to making that choice for you.
Thanks for writing this. I had a close friend die from breast cancer & she knew all the chemo., etc. wasn’t working. She had bone pain, just unbearable. And an abusive husband that refused to budge on his Power of Attorney rights. He limited her pain meds, even in the hospital, until finally the hospital intervened.
My dad was horrible while my mom was sick. He was angry, not at all empathetic or sympathetic.. I can't imagine what it would have been like had he been in charge.
I am so sorry for your friend. Nobody should have to suffer like that. Culturally, we do not treat death with any reverence in the west. I suppose that is why we fear it enough that we accept unknown substances if they promise longer life.
“Believing in the lie has led to the downfall of humanity.”
I agree. As I was first reading, a song “Entangled” came to my mind:
My father did not survive his booster. He had otherwise relatively good care at VA Home. Entangled.
I’m so sorry about your dad. Thank you for the song. Such a young Peter Gabriel.
Keep writing.
Keep reflecting.
You are expressing what maybe millions now may be ruminating.
The realization that you are losing the battle, badly, pushed some people to do the extreme thing, the Canadian are working their way to making that choice for you.
They are making that choice for God. It demonstrates how they view themselves, and how they view us.
Thanks for writing this. I had a close friend die from breast cancer & she knew all the chemo., etc. wasn’t working. She had bone pain, just unbearable. And an abusive husband that refused to budge on his Power of Attorney rights. He limited her pain meds, even in the hospital, until finally the hospital intervened.
It was a nightmare situation.
My dad was horrible while my mom was sick. He was angry, not at all empathetic or sympathetic.. I can't imagine what it would have been like had he been in charge.
I am so sorry for your friend. Nobody should have to suffer like that. Culturally, we do not treat death with any reverence in the west. I suppose that is why we fear it enough that we accept unknown substances if they promise longer life.