🤍 “Maybe it will take a bio-weapon, injected into the veins of the masses, for us to wake up. For us to recognize our failure. For us to understand what is most precious.”

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Beautifully written. I have never been to SF so I did not know that it was beautiful. I have only known it to be depraved.

Thank you.

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If you go - for a moment, you will believe you have found heaven - until you look down at earth.

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"He was taken by wolves."

And rescued by God, Someone had to show your mom the way to Heaven, I'm betting it was Stephen, and pets, and birds, and all the wonders outside the window.

I'm crying tears of joy as I type this.


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God loves all of the lost children. They are simply too hurt to feel it. 🙏

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Editorial fairy:

>He was my shining light He was

full stop needed in between 'light' and 'He.'



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I’m so sorry for your pain.

Not knowing how to protect my children from this world haunts me. I didn’t even know they were in danger from those I trusted.

I don’t know how to forgive myself.

I hope you have found the answer

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I don’t know how to forgive myself - but I believe that God forgives me. All I know how to do is tell my story in the hopes that others will wake up sooner than I did.

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I also believe that God forgives the things we mess up because we don’t understand. Otherwise, there’s no hope. And I can’t live a life without hope.

I’m glad you’re sharing your story

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