Satan, the Great Deceiver, has since he was thrown out of heaven, not cared who or how he destroys all of God’s creation. Jesus Christ defeated him at the cross & by being raised from the dead by God, the Father.

In the meantime, we await the redemption of our bodies from this world gone depraved. We seek wisdom & redemption from above while we travel this sod. May God grant us understanding.

Romans 8:38,39

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Kristi, I’ve come to believe that Satan targeted certain people through this great evil charade. My sister never got the vax, but she did get “COVID” in January 2022, went to a funeral at her church in mid May, that night after the funeral came down with a “stomach flu” which never went away, after 1 1/2 months of dickering around with her doctors was finally diagnosed with aggressive stage 4 ovarian cancer on July 4th 2022 and died on July 4 a year later. Her year of battling cancer was, like your mother’s situation, blocked by unscalable walls, closed doors , and terrible suffering at every turn. Like you, I took care of my sister during her battle.

We were under deep spiritual attack. You could feel it. I’m not sure why God allowed her to suffer and die in this way and to not win this battle. Maybe in eternity we’ll get the answer. But the grief and trauma of it do not go away. The medical system did not care.

My one regret is that we didn’t do more natural remedies and do them more aggressively— it was just so hard to find reliable info on natural cancer treatments— it felt like no-man’s land and without clear direction we were worried about causing harm— but looking back I don’t think any of the warnings about this supplement or that natural treatment making the cancer grow stronger were true at all. But, we just didn’t know. Now more groups like the FLCCC are starting to put together guidance on natural cancer protocols.

My one point of comfort is that my dear sister who served so many schoolchildren during her years as a teacher will never have to go through our horrible healthcare system again. Shortly before she died, while at one of her many doctors appointments, my sister looked at me and said, “As a teacher, I gave hope to so many kids who struggled and had no hope and yet here in the hospital, not one provider has been able to cheer me on or give me hope.” She wasn’t bragging. She was merely stating fact. And she was right.

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I believe, with all of my heart, that my mom suffered for spiritual reasons. That is the only thing that makes sense to me.

I believe that your sister also suffered for a reason.

I believe that I was the one to witness the suffering for a reason. i believe the same for you.

Maybe the reason is "to tell the stories." Maybe the reason is "to expose the system" Maybe it had to be as bad as it was in order to wake the spiritual warriors that live within each of us.

I was a teacher, as well. Teaching and medicine were once described as the "caring professions." Your sister saw it exactly the way I saw it. We each arrive on this earth as human - but are treated as ants by the system.

The shock I experienced at the cruelty of the medical system woke a power in me that i didn't know I possessed.

Your sweet sister and my mom are no longer in pain. It is us, left behind, who are charged with settling affairs and bringing order to the chaos. God would not have put you in the position of witnessing such atrocities if he didn't have a plan for you.

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Thank you, Kristi. I believe you are right. Part of the grief of this journey is that these people are no longer here physically on earth to walk with us through this plan. It feels lonely. My sister was a warrior for the oppressed and those downtrodden by the system. I am too, but in a different way b/c of my medical/healthcare background. Like you and your mother, we were a team. I miss her physical presence on this journey of fighting evil. But I do know she and your mother are in Heaven praying for us. 🙏 I know that they weren't exactly martyred, but I feel like they were targeted and killed by the Evil one b/c of their goodness. So maybe the verse below doesn't exactly apply, but it seems to:

Revelation 6:9-11

New International Version

"9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. 10 They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” 11 Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been."

Another thing I have thought a great deal about as you have shared the heartbreaking story of your precious son Steven is how we need to rethink, not just healthcare, but our mental health care and drug treatment care. Noodling on this. I care for a family member with severe mental illness and the system does not work for them either, as I don't think it does for most people who have been overtaken by drug (and possibly alcohol) addiction.

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Check Maria Treben for herbal cancer treatment, and yes, FLCCC protocol cured me from Covid, God bless these doctors.

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Amen! Iva, thank you so much for this recommendation. It is so important to share and compile the healing regimens from these early pioneers as so much of this information has been hidden, lost, or vilified.

Another website that I've found which is very interesting is https://cancercompassalternateroute.com/. One of the articles on this website is about Rene Caisse and her Essiac Tea remedy. It's fascinating. https://cancercompassalternateroute.com/therapies/essiac-tea/. Along with ivermectin, fenbendazole, and other herbs and anti-inflammatories, I can't see a valid reason to use chemo at this point, especially on cancers with a very low chance of recovery.

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These websites are wonderful. I just shared both on my facebook (where I continue to annoy my loved ones with all of my conspiracies).

I have two of the ingredients of essiac tea - sheep sorrell and burdock - growing in my yard.

I will never accept chemo - I will do everything in my power to keep my body and immune system healthy and strong - then, when it is time for me to die, I will die.

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Yes you are right! I listened to an interview about paliative care, I would need to look for the link, they said that some of the patients that have the expensive treatments of chemo etc cut because hopeless and abandoned to die, they actually recovered

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Thank you very much for the link!! Such great advice! I am just sucked into reading all the articles on the website! So great, thanks

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Wow so interesting - Capsaicin tested on pancreatic cancer cell lines :


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"and yet here in the hospital, not one provider has been able to cheer me on or give me hope.”

Sadly, the medical industrial complex is not set up for hope. It's set up to make the most money with the least amount of work or interaction with people. There's no medical billing code for "hope" counseling and so the medical industrialists don't provide that service. In my cancer industrial complex experience, you do what the MIC SOP (medical industrial complex standard operating procedure) says and if you die, oh well, you didn't battle hard enough.

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"here's no medical billing code for "hope" counseling and so the medical industrialists don't provide that service. "

That's it - exactly. If they could charge for hope, they would be happy to provide it.

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You’re right! It’s like going to the DMV or some other govt office 10 years ago, although our DMV has improved noticeably in the past few years and is now run by these sweet little old ladies.

Do you have the right form? Check! What are your lab numbers? Check! What’s your blood pressure? Check! You have these symptoms? Take a pill. You say the pill gave you these bad symptoms? No, it’s just in your head. You’re obviously not trying hard enough!

There’s no passion for healing, no sense of dignity. No curiosity or quest to find ways to relieve suffering or make the body stronger in its race to heal itself. No belief even that the body can heal itself. The system is anti God and anti human.

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And yet, I don’t think that the people working the system are evil or even uncaring individuals in their own right. They’re cogs. Just doing their job. Following the protocol. The system has worn them down.

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For the most part, the people I met within the system were nice - but powerless.

However, I also met people who were cruel- and the system allows for cruelty.

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Yes! Exactly! Also, I think if you don't get better, it's almost as though they psychologically have to vilify you instead of questioning their treatments and looking further to puzzle out why their treatments aren't working.

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So true. We are bombarded, from birth, by propaganda telling us that the poisons in our food and drugs are good - and then, when their products are killing us, they tell us that we always had a choice.

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Editorial fairy:

>They are deceivers, who diligently work to convince us that that of which we know that it is bad is actually good

perhaps consider: "...that what we know is bad is actually good." (Did I get that correct?)

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100% accurate.

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Brilliant! Thank you.

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