Turbo Cancer: Day 116 - October 5, 2022
Before the Injections, My Mom Was Healthy
On this day, last year, my mom wrote:
Yesterday Penny came. I had the days mixed up. Great visit, as always.
Lumpy and Old Faithful active and painful.
Excited and nervous about faith group picnic.
Father Stew - very inspirational movie.
I’m confused about my condition. Do I have years? Months? Don’t know if I want to know.
Look forward to being at peace with God… but not quite yet.
‘My God, my God, You never forsake us, never forget us, never are too busy to notice our needs.”
For a few days, my mom had been granted relief from pain. I will be forever grateful for those days. The experience we had been living through had been intense. The moments of peace brought us closer together. We were able to relax and enjoy each other’s company. Our bond was strengthened.
We would need a strong bond to withstand what was to come.
The pain-free, symptom-free days had ended. My mom had been able to control the pain by milking Lumpy. However, Lumpy wasn’t one to relinquish control.
Turbo cancer was a roller coaster of hope and despair. There were times when it seemed as if things were better, but the cancer was growing and spreading so fast that the tests and the treatments had no hope of keeping up.
It was relentless. It was angry. It was merciless.
It was unbelievable.
To this day, I still find it unbelievable.
But I was there.
I no longer trust the society or the system. All that I can believe to be true is that which I have experienced.
My mom had a disease with symptoms that were brand new. The doctors, based on their knowledge and experience, expected her body to act in a standard way. It didn’t.
My mom’s condition was unprecedented.
Until my mom received her Covid-19 injections, she had been healthy.
I have been met with jeering and hatred for pointing that out. I have felt the need to remove myself from the society, because of the treatment that have I received when all I did was point that out.
Before the injections, my mom was healthy.
That is the truth. I have proof. My mom did nothing harmful to her body, until...
She took part in a world-wide study. She was a subject in a widespread experiment. She was the unconsciously willing victim of a universal satanic ritual.
She was a frightened sheep in a chaotic flock that was following the wrong shepherd.
Looking at the situation through my own brain, which is all that I can be expected to do, that is how I see it. There are people in the world who, apparently, hate my brain.
Upon sharing the thoughts and beliefs that have been contained within me, I have been verbally attacked. I have been treated as if I had been of lesser virtue. I have lost friends, and I have become estranged from family.
The visceral reaction of others has made me doubt myself. It has made me doubt my sanity. It has caused me to question my own grip on reality.
Yet, my thoughts and beliefs have not changed. My brain, stubbornly, remains the same.
I know what I lived. I experienced every moment of my mom’s six months of turbo cancer. I carry that knowledge on a cellular level, and I will pass it down to my children.
And to anyone who is willing to read it.
Regardless of the doubt that I feel, I will keep moving forward.
My mom kept moving forward.
She said: “If I stop moving forward, I fall backward.”
The return of the pain was like a right hook to the jaw.
My mom calmly picked herself up, took a deep breath, and smiled.
The pain was back, but the faith group picnic was coming up. She was nervous, but she was also excited. She really hoped to be well enough to attend.
I believe you.
You write for me.
I will be your second witness.
Raising my hand as a fourth. 🤚🏼
I also know what happened to my dad post jabs.
NO ONE will ever prove it otherwise to ME.
You are right on about it being a satanic ritual and worldwide experiment.
Read Romans 1 for more encouragement.💗