This afterskool video (The Profound Meaning of Plato's Allegory of the Cave) explains why those of us who are sane are met with such hatred for speaking the truth:
Even though I don’t totally trust the FLCCC, they have a hand out that educates about the mechanisms of action of the Covid jab that shows the harm they cause. It is based on the idea that jabs really had mRNA, etc which I don’t think they did but it is a good handout for the people who still believe that. I printed it out and gave it to my dr here at work so that she could be educated. She wouldn’t even look at it. She doesn’t push the jabs but she got two of them herself. Apparently she can’t face anything negative about them.
I guess people cannot face truth of what they let happen - to themselves, to others. In many cases they tried to bully the rest of us unwilling to capitulate. Now the truth is barreling toward us and they stick their heads in the sand. I was raised like yourself. I could never have imagined the horrible attitudes that came about. I was a live and let live kinda girl. I didn’t try to deny anyones right to subject themselves to the vaxx and would never say I told you so and I did not appreciate being told I should die for my resistance to an untried jab. They studied us for a long time. We were so easily divided. It’s time to unite and make the ones responsible accountable for what they’ve done.
"She was the unconsciously willing victim of a universal satanic ritual."
Bingo. No truer words have been spoken regarding the Covid Me Too Freakout. I truly believe God gave the world Omicron to stop the madness and the rush to "vaccinate" billions of humans with the MRNA bioweapons. Unfortunately most humans fell for the satanic ritual and gladly accepted the toxic sludge into their bodies.
Yes the MRNA "vaccines" are toxic/poisonous sludge. The human body DOES NOT want toxic/poisonous sludge, it will reject it any way it can. Even by making a lump/cyst from the lymphatic system to drain the toxic/poisonous sludge out of the body. The medical cartel has NO CLUE about the humann immune system. No clue.
Speaking of MNRA toxic/poisonous sludge and personal stories:
Yesterday at 2 pm I ate two small cubes of beef from a noodle/beef dish my brother had cooked. My gut told me don't eat it, as I can no longer eat most meat and poultry (cramps, diahrrea). But I am an idiot. I ate the cubes. Seven hours later I am cramping up and pooping. My body said "hell NO" to the two small cubes of beef.
My theory is the so-called MRNA "vaccines" that supposedly are being injected into cattle are toxic/poison. The MRNA "vaccines" are then ingested by humans through the food supply. Same thing with chickens/poultry. I haven't been able to eat chicken in over two years. I am now relegated to eating toast and some vegetables for dinner.
I truly believe our food supply is being poisoned by MRNA toxic sludge. Most people will say I am crazy and I can no longer eat meat because I am old. Nope. I don't accept most people's hypothesis. My body rejects bad food. Poisonous food. Once I ingest poison the cramps and diahrrea begins.
Poison can also cause cancers, just like with your mom Kristi. I may be wrong, but I believe lumpy was trying to expel the MRNA poison from your mom's body (including chemo). But the poison was just too overpowering.
When the masks first became a thing- I couldn’t wear it. It felt like I had dog hair in my mouth and throat whenever it was on. I always ended up tearing it off and throwing it. People thought I was crazy for reacting that way. My body was rejecting the mask to protect me - that’s how I see it.
That is how it is with the food, now, too. You are correct, the meat has changed. The fruit has changed. Nothing tastes the same anymore.
These days, the grocery store makes me angry. We are expected to work for money and then exchange that money for poison wrapped in shiny, colorful plastic.
My healthy brother died suddenly, aged 67, from a catastrophic brain bleed in Dec 21. He had two jabs, probably three, because he had just retired and was enjoying driving a bus for his grandchildren's school excursions. 'They' told us an aneurysm had probably been developing for more than a year. I don't believe it. My son-in-law had a sudden seizure which caused 3 vertebral fractures. 'They' said it was one of his meds that he takes to prevent migraines. I don't believe it. One of his friends developed type one diabetes aged 35. 'They' said it was a random autoimmune response. I don't believe it. My daughter-in-law and her good friend from school days both had babies around the same time, on opposite sides of the world. Both of them had insufficient breast milk for their babies (I'm a midwife and the chance of this occurring is very small with healthy women who birthed naturally). They were told it just happens to lots of women. A friend of my husband has now been in hospital for about three months after developing Guillaine-Barre syndrome which almost totally paralysed him. He was ventilated for weeks, and is slowly improving, finally. GBS is a well-known adverse effect from vaccines. Another nursing colleague suddenly developed a neurological disorder which kept her off work for months and still restricts her. Many other colleagues, previously young and healthy, have developed cardiac issues. I have seen more growth-restricted babies, and newborns needing oxygen support in the last two years than I have ever seen before. And the cancer wards I have worked on have many more patients who have only just found out they have cancer and it's stage four. Many of them are in their 50's. And the rate of recurrent covid and other respiratory infections and illnesses is ridiculously high. I could go on.
Only those who are awake acknowledge any connection with the covid jab. I hear you. I believe you.
Thank you. I am fortunate to have many friends who have stood their ground. Right at the start of this all, one of them said that he could forgive the politicians because they were going on what they were told. He could forgive many others, but not the doctors and pharmacists (he's a pharmacist himself) who should have known better and refused to endorse it.
I have a blood condition where I produce too many platelets. Those are the things that plug up holes when we damage ourselves, and also make clots. My haematologist told me I could go ahead and get the jab. It must have been my face which made him go on to ask if I knew why we didn't see stories on the news about people getting blood clots (from the jab) any more. His story was that 'we know how to treat them now'. That's only the ones who survive of course. And yet another scenario where doctors cause harm by giving one drug, then give another to repair the damage, and so on. I didn't have the courage or the presence of mind to tell him that the reason we don't see the reports of clots any more is because the media is paid for by pharma, and the government, and all official press releases were not allowed to talk about adverse events in case they harm the immunisation program and create vaccine hesitancy! I ignored his advice.
I believe you.
You write for me.
I will be your second witness.
And I will be your third. ❤️🙏
Raising my hand as a fourth. 🤚🏼
I also know what happened to my dad post jabs.
NO ONE will ever prove it otherwise to ME.
You are right on about it being a satanic ritual and worldwide experiment.
Read Romans 1 for more encouragement.💗
(Kristi, look at all these witnesses - you are not alone!)
You have a great brain. I know too about this horrific event we’ve lived through.
I also believe you.
You aren't crazy, the world has gone mad.
This afterskool video (The Profound Meaning of Plato's Allegory of the Cave) explains why those of us who are sane are met with such hatred for speaking the truth:
Even though I don’t totally trust the FLCCC, they have a hand out that educates about the mechanisms of action of the Covid jab that shows the harm they cause. It is based on the idea that jabs really had mRNA, etc which I don’t think they did but it is a good handout for the people who still believe that. I printed it out and gave it to my dr here at work so that she could be educated. She wouldn’t even look at it. She doesn’t push the jabs but she got two of them herself. Apparently she can’t face anything negative about them.
I guess people cannot face truth of what they let happen - to themselves, to others. In many cases they tried to bully the rest of us unwilling to capitulate. Now the truth is barreling toward us and they stick their heads in the sand. I was raised like yourself. I could never have imagined the horrible attitudes that came about. I was a live and let live kinda girl. I didn’t try to deny anyones right to subject themselves to the vaxx and would never say I told you so and I did not appreciate being told I should die for my resistance to an untried jab. They studied us for a long time. We were so easily divided. It’s time to unite and make the ones responsible accountable for what they’ve done.
"She was the unconsciously willing victim of a universal satanic ritual."
Bingo. No truer words have been spoken regarding the Covid Me Too Freakout. I truly believe God gave the world Omicron to stop the madness and the rush to "vaccinate" billions of humans with the MRNA bioweapons. Unfortunately most humans fell for the satanic ritual and gladly accepted the toxic sludge into their bodies.
Yes the MRNA "vaccines" are toxic/poisonous sludge. The human body DOES NOT want toxic/poisonous sludge, it will reject it any way it can. Even by making a lump/cyst from the lymphatic system to drain the toxic/poisonous sludge out of the body. The medical cartel has NO CLUE about the humann immune system. No clue.
Speaking of MNRA toxic/poisonous sludge and personal stories:
Yesterday at 2 pm I ate two small cubes of beef from a noodle/beef dish my brother had cooked. My gut told me don't eat it, as I can no longer eat most meat and poultry (cramps, diahrrea). But I am an idiot. I ate the cubes. Seven hours later I am cramping up and pooping. My body said "hell NO" to the two small cubes of beef.
My theory is the so-called MRNA "vaccines" that supposedly are being injected into cattle are toxic/poison. The MRNA "vaccines" are then ingested by humans through the food supply. Same thing with chickens/poultry. I haven't been able to eat chicken in over two years. I am now relegated to eating toast and some vegetables for dinner.
I truly believe our food supply is being poisoned by MRNA toxic sludge. Most people will say I am crazy and I can no longer eat meat because I am old. Nope. I don't accept most people's hypothesis. My body rejects bad food. Poisonous food. Once I ingest poison the cramps and diahrrea begins.
Poison can also cause cancers, just like with your mom Kristi. I may be wrong, but I believe lumpy was trying to expel the MRNA poison from your mom's body (including chemo). But the poison was just too overpowering.
I don’t think you’re crazy at all.
When the masks first became a thing- I couldn’t wear it. It felt like I had dog hair in my mouth and throat whenever it was on. I always ended up tearing it off and throwing it. People thought I was crazy for reacting that way. My body was rejecting the mask to protect me - that’s how I see it.
That is how it is with the food, now, too. You are correct, the meat has changed. The fruit has changed. Nothing tastes the same anymore.
These days, the grocery store makes me angry. We are expected to work for money and then exchange that money for poison wrapped in shiny, colorful plastic.
There's a reason most grocery stores have pharmacies attached.
You might look into GAPS protocol for healing your gut. The author very much teaches how we must "abandon the supermarkets". Blessings
My healthy brother died suddenly, aged 67, from a catastrophic brain bleed in Dec 21. He had two jabs, probably three, because he had just retired and was enjoying driving a bus for his grandchildren's school excursions. 'They' told us an aneurysm had probably been developing for more than a year. I don't believe it. My son-in-law had a sudden seizure which caused 3 vertebral fractures. 'They' said it was one of his meds that he takes to prevent migraines. I don't believe it. One of his friends developed type one diabetes aged 35. 'They' said it was a random autoimmune response. I don't believe it. My daughter-in-law and her good friend from school days both had babies around the same time, on opposite sides of the world. Both of them had insufficient breast milk for their babies (I'm a midwife and the chance of this occurring is very small with healthy women who birthed naturally). They were told it just happens to lots of women. A friend of my husband has now been in hospital for about three months after developing Guillaine-Barre syndrome which almost totally paralysed him. He was ventilated for weeks, and is slowly improving, finally. GBS is a well-known adverse effect from vaccines. Another nursing colleague suddenly developed a neurological disorder which kept her off work for months and still restricts her. Many other colleagues, previously young and healthy, have developed cardiac issues. I have seen more growth-restricted babies, and newborns needing oxygen support in the last two years than I have ever seen before. And the cancer wards I have worked on have many more patients who have only just found out they have cancer and it's stage four. Many of them are in their 50's. And the rate of recurrent covid and other respiratory infections and illnesses is ridiculously high. I could go on.
Only those who are awake acknowledge any connection with the covid jab. I hear you. I believe you.
I believe you, too.
Thank you. I am fortunate to have many friends who have stood their ground. Right at the start of this all, one of them said that he could forgive the politicians because they were going on what they were told. He could forgive many others, but not the doctors and pharmacists (he's a pharmacist himself) who should have known better and refused to endorse it.
I have a blood condition where I produce too many platelets. Those are the things that plug up holes when we damage ourselves, and also make clots. My haematologist told me I could go ahead and get the jab. It must have been my face which made him go on to ask if I knew why we didn't see stories on the news about people getting blood clots (from the jab) any more. His story was that 'we know how to treat them now'. That's only the ones who survive of course. And yet another scenario where doctors cause harm by giving one drug, then give another to repair the damage, and so on. I didn't have the courage or the presence of mind to tell him that the reason we don't see the reports of clots any more is because the media is paid for by pharma, and the government, and all official press releases were not allowed to talk about adverse events in case they harm the immunisation program and create vaccine hesitancy! I ignored his advice.