This is what terrifies me about the covid trauma as well. So many murders due to democide, no one is talking about it. People are acting out and society is falling apart.

We just had 5 deaths due to a stabbing in Sydney and it has been a week of official mourning - government fully on board. What about the 40,000 murdered by the government the past couple of years? We are straining to the breaking point, and as you say Kristi, our collective brain is sick, so sick from trauma.

God Bless you in your writing.

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The opioid epidemic has been going on for awhile. Pharma knew that opioids cause addictions but they paid doctors to prescribe them indiscriminately and the doctors obliged. I did a search on cases of opioid fraud and there have been many cases of doctors, pharmacists and nurses convicted of fraudulent prescription and distribution of opioids. It was the medical community that is responsible for your son’s addiction and death. I also heard that some people have a genetic disposition to getting addicted after taking prescribed opioids although I don’t have the study.

My brother came home from work and found his daughter had died in bed. While driving she had been rear ended by some kids joy riding. This started her journey of back pain and eventually was put on extremely strong pain meds by a “pain” doctor that eventually killed her leaving her 3 year old daughter. It’s heartbreaking. 💔 😓

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💔. We are set up to fail and then blamed for our failure.

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Thank-you for this essay, it’s very powerful. The destructive power is everywhere. I learnt yesterday about the elements of children’s TV that exploit our human instincts/evolutionary traits e.g. 3D vs 2D, the use of bright colours, screen changes per second. None of this I was aware of, until then I’d thought keeping children safe online was trying to avoid them coming across adult content.

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Advertisers (propagandists) have a very strong understanding of brain development. They know how to manipulate children.

I used to teach preschool. Over and over, I observed a phenomenon where all of the three, four and five year olds started wanting the same new toy at the same time. They all started watching the same new show at the same time. They all started loving the same new character at the same time.

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I had no idea the numbers were so high with these overdose deaths. This Substack is powerful, heartbreaking…important. Keep up the difficult but incredible truth telling and writing.

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"Perhaps, as a result of trauma, our collective brain has failed to develop properly."


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Yes, Yes, Yes.

My only solace that lasts …

Romans 8:38, 39

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We exist in a soul-sucking society.

And it’s not an organic development.

It was engineered by psychopaths who want to depopulate 13 out of every 14 of us, keeping just enough slaves around to supply their insatiable desires, produce children, and allow them to freely and openly practice their sick-and-twisted predilections and rituals.

Give some credit where credits is due, Kristi.

The scope of manipulation was all so imperceptible to most of us up until recently.

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Absolutely. Western culture is satanic. Satan is the great deceiver. The population has been deceived.

Collectively, we became distracted by shiny things. We forgot ourselves. We allowed our children’s minds to be taken over by smartphones.

We allowed our own minds to be taken over by smartphones.

Most of the people were fucking distracted, while we were under attack.

I didn’t used to see any of it. Before the pandemic, I was teaching preschool. I was looking at bugs through magnifying glasses. I was clueless about the evil.

I knew some stuff was weird. I knew there was corruption. However, I didn’t recognize the evil.

But I see it now. More people are seeing it now.

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Powerful and thought provoking. I will read this again when I have more time.

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Brilliant. I agree.

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