Sep 12Liked by Kristi yapp

My own daughter recently called me an “Antivaxxer” like it was a bad word. I guess I am an antivaxxer and proud of it!

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Sep 12Liked by Kristi yapp

Back in 2020, my daughter-in-law brought her younger brother (newly released from the navy) to a family gathering. We had not met him before and he knew very little about the family. During a conversation he made a joke about “anti-vaxxers” and I saw my son turn to head him off. I smiled at him and said, “We’re anti-vaxxers!” He said “OH” and I laughed and turned back to the conversation, and the moment passed without any conflict.

He only knew what he had been told by his government and was parroting without harmful intent.

He didn’t know that he was in a room full of people who had not had childhood shots and would not be getting the new shots under any circumstance. Had he been belligerent about it, he would have been informed and educated.

He now knows we’re not weird because of our position, but he’s still a sheep-following authority without question. There’s only so much you can do

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Sep 12Liked by Kristi yapp

You are doing the right thing and yes family always comes first.

I commend you for remaining civil toward your fellow man, I still struggle with this ☹️But it is vital that we remember all those who have died or been i juried by these kill shots. The globalists have just begun and we need to warn people to remain aware of the psyops we are abd those headed our way.

Do Not Comply

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We feel like we are alone, don't believe it for a second!


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This part reminded me of something that I have learned this year.

"But, when I perceived my peace to be under attack, I became anxious. I became combative and I fought back with my words. The result of my combativeness was a disruption to my sense of peace. It seemed that my self-defensive instincts were working against me. By lashing out at these would-be attackers, wasn’t I destroying the very thing that I was trying to protect?"

God recently opened my eyes in a new way to a familiar passage of Scripture.

Philippians 4:4-7 says, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

For some reason, the word gentleness stood out to me, and I realized that the lack of gentleness we sometimes feel and/or express towrds others is because we do not feel peace. (We are anxious.) And furthermore, this passage explains why we don't have peace: we are not practicing gratitude, living in thankfulness, and recognizing that "The Lord is near."

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with the world. I agree that this is something God has prepared for you to do.

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Sep 12Liked by Kristi yapp

Don't let the turkeys get you down!

You've got this. Blessed are....

We who get to read your beautiful words💜

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Sep 12Liked by Kristi yapp

And that is why I am not on Facebook. Too much stress. I of course didn't believe what my family believes. Heck I don't believe 100 % what I believe 20 years ago, how the heck would I agree with so many people, many I never met in person. I then accumulated a group of people that basically shared the same beliefs I did on face book. Then these people would start "fighting" with my family on line. I would feel torn. This was still my family. My idiot, ding dong family, but my family none the less. What side to take? What to do? I had one person I really liked on line calling my sister vile stuff. Ugh! In the end he was trying to protect me. He apologized when I explained that was my sister, my only sister. But goodness I hated to give him any back lash for protecting me. For me I needed the peace. I got off face book with leaving a really nasty message to facebook monitors. LOL A lot of my stuff was being shadowed banned anyway. I will never go back to that. I had other family saying you don't have to do politics on there. Yeah but I know me. Stuff will happen and I will want to write about it. Nope. I go for peace and try to keep up with current events in other ways.

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Plus we SHOULD have been allowed to voice our anti covid and anti vaccine view points! It's called free speech! I won't support someone who's making billions off me being on there to donate it to demon-rats and silence me while allowing libtards to say the most God awful things to people! AND allow porn! If people would get rid of fascistbook advertisers would quit paying big bucks because there wouldn't be enough to advertise to! PLUS he's selling our information to them and anyone who bids high enough! I swear it felt like 10,000 lbs had been lifted off my shoulders Nov 2020 when I, we, left! Husband doesn't miss it either! I agree with you! I might not agree with everything people say on here, but I hope people always know I'm hoping to provide a different angle. Help each other out. Everyone has blind spots or get stuck on a one way street. Especially when something is a sore spot, but we can't give up. Even though it's hard some days. And geez it's hard to convey true emotions when writing. Some times we offend and that was NOT the intent! Doesn't help I'm HORRIBLE at sugar coating and that my frustration/sadness comes out in sarcasm or anger sometimes! 🤦‍♀️ But I wouldn't target someone's child. Unless you're Nancy Piglosi's kid...then you're fair game! 😜🤣 jk...kinda.

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I agree. We should be allowed to openly discuss our feelings if we want to. Though as always understanding any opinion you say may be "attacked" by your "friends". I did feel that leaving facebook showed defeat. That then another opinion is silenced. I needed peace in myself first though. It was affecting me.

I felt when I did write why in detail, sometimes I felt no matter how I wrote it, factually, sarcastic etc.. a lot of times it went over people's heads. They couldn't or just wouldn't take the info in the way I hoped they would. For example I would write about fluoride being a toxic waste substance (that it is in our water and toothpaste, and that it is insane, as it hurts our endrocrine system, our pineal gland, our thyroid, our bones etc.) It is a political (democide) thing that we consume fluoride. Yeah it may kill the bad bacteria on your teeth before it will destroy your teeth as it eats through glass and cement. Kind of like burning down your house to kill a spider in it. Ask your dentist what a fluoride bomb is. Why is there a poison warning on toothpaste? blah.,blah.blah.. This goes over their heads. When I see people in person they say "but we need teeth!" Say what? When did I say we didn't need teeth? Maybe people took too many of those poison shots and their brain is malfunctioning, and maybe we should clean out teeth without destroying our teeth . That's an idea.

I guess I got frustrated with "stupid" people too. Not that I am bright in all areas but... This kind of thing, above, happened several times.

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It's a small consolation but it's really something that you and your family are still there for each other in some other ways. So many people just fell out over this stuff and never got back to where they used to be.

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Sep 12Liked by Kristi yapp

Cara Kristi,dopo la perdita di mio figlio (29 anni fa) ho deciso che dovevo "proteggere me stessa" da cattiverie, insulti e quant'altro. Ho fatto mie le parole di Dante Alighieri nell'Inferno "non ti curar di loro ma guarda e passa". Con il covid e post-covid e la morte di mia mamma (nel 2021, stesso problema di tua mamma!) ho ribadito a me stessa questo concetto, questo modo di vivere. Qualunque cosa mi venga detta con cattiveria NON rispondo. E' difficile e pesante... alla fine mi accorgo che ho fatto la cosa giusta perchè, appena voltate le spalle, non mi ricordo più nulla... o semplicemnte dimenticato tutto. con affetto♥

Dear Kristi,After the loss of my son (29 years ago) I decided that I had to “protect myself” from nastiness, insults and whatnot. I made Dante Alighieri's words in the Inferno “do not mind them but look and pass” my own. With covid and post-covid and the death of my mom (in 2021, same problem as your mom!) I reaffirmed to myself this concept, this way of life. Whatever is said to me with malice I do NOT respond. It's hard and heavy...eventually I realize I did the right thing because as soon as my back is turned, I don't remember anything.... or simply forgotten everything. with affection♥

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Considerate la vostra semenza:

fatti non foste a viver come bruti,

ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza.

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I understand this. I do not go out very often, and recently was speaking to someone who is much older than me and very set in their mythology. I like to hash out ideas and talk around ideas in a collegial way. So, I am an 'ideas' person (although I respect how people feel very much).

Anyway, this person kept trying to bait me into how I 'felt' about an issue, and trying to prove that I was of low virtue because I did not have the correct 'feeling' about an issue, which was the way he felt. This was unacceptable to him, and it was basically a wall of noise.

I am pretty good at ignoring annoying people online, so next time I will just ignore him I think.

Sorry someone belittled your son - that sounds very mean. Your sons seem very smart.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 13Liked by Kristi yapp

Strife and conflict unfortunately, are part of life. Striking back against its source is natural, aka self defense. Ideally we should be able to retaliate without being disturbed or knocked off our center of peace. Most of us are not spiritual enough. The next best thing is being able to quickly rebound to our center. As you noted, Kristi, fighting back against conflict gives us strength. Don't forget that part of Satan's battle plan is to weaken us by manipulating our emotions (which we should always have under control). Do not submit or comply. Resist. Keep on fighting.

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"Even in the darkest times, the sun rises every morning."

Amen, Kristi. And it will be there tomorrow, by God's grace, if you forget.

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Sep 12Liked by Kristi yapp

Beautiful picture Kristi. I can only imagine how wonderfully quiet it must be there where you live.

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Sep 12Liked by Kristi yapp

Yes. You’re right. And it’s really hard to not defend yourself when the attack is unjust.

We keep trying to get to that place of peace and stay there, but the world keeps trying to pull us back into the abyss of darkness and conflict. The battle.

Really hard

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Sep 13Liked by Kristi yapp

When our peace is disturbed it is a sign of satan's influence. Remember that Jesus said constantly "my peace I give you" (not my happiness/joy/money/etc I give you). When my peace is disturbed by others (or more aptly my reaction to them) I appeal to St. Michael, the ArchAngel to help me with this spiritual battle. The last time I said the St. Michael prayer after an intense encounter with a non-peaceful person, I saw in my mind a picture of St. Michael flying to me. Since then, I no longer feel so agitated with that person. I believe St. Michael was sent my way to remove satan's influence with that person who constantly tries to rile me up.


That's just my view. Peace is so hard to maintain in this society, among people. We need all the help we can get from God/Jesus and their Angels.

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I feel quilty because I have not once left you a message or comment. I cannot count the times your post has brought me to tears, had me soul search, led me to pray. So first of all, thank you.

Thank you for laying your life bare to strangers, to the world and at the same time be in the middle of the hardest, most agonizing, heart wrenching, testing time in your life; the care and loss of your mother. Me and most likely many others walked with you, although silent, we were with you in prayer, thoughts and sadly silence. So, I'm glad you shared this messge today. It got my attention, like other posts have, but this time to come out of the shadows and comment.

I could tell you about how I left the city 3 years ago for the country. I could tell how hard it has been and the test of my whole being (body, soul, and spirit). But I'd rather tell you how reading your posts were a surge of support. I was able to pray for a little more strength, a little more peach to keep going.

I want to say here that I believe your posts have touched and helped so many more people than you can even imagine. A few who try to make themselves feel better by attacking someone else, are not worth the time. It should be an indication you are doing something right. What draws their kind out of the darkness is when someone is doing something good and true. I understand how it hurts. I've had to post a few scriptures on my desk this year...

Proverbs 26:28 "A lying tongue hates those it crushes."

John 15:18 "If the world hates you remember that it hated me first ......" "I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you" ...

These people are of the world....so don't be surprised they show their hate...

Thank you for giving me encouragement when I was down, and a smile when I was crying.

One last scripture I have posted on my desk"

2Tim 3:12. " And indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted",,,,,

You're in good company....

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Thank you so much for this. You touched my heart.

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Sometimes people who attack others for no reason do that out of their own sense of emptiness or hurt, like a stray dog might try and bite a passerby or even someone who wants to feed it. It's your striving for peace and ability to turn away and watch the sun rise that's important, not the growling and tooth-gnashing.

All the best with your art business!

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