Beautiful post! Humbling too. Like you, I had a message from God not to take the vaccine. It was unmistakably clear. Woke me up during the middle of the night. Grateful for that message-- both for myself and my family. My latest prayer these days is, "Lord, help me to hear your voice, recognize it when I do, and obey." The ability to hear the voice of God could make the difference between my death or that of a family member or any other human. I need God's help to listen, understand, and obey.

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I love this. I am thankful that I too did not vaccinate for COVID, my kids did not either or my husband. My oldest son who is in the military, was forced to get it. He still got Covid and had and adverse reaction to the vaccine and had to be hospitalized. He is ok now. This was such a terrible time in history. I will never forget.

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Kristi, as usual you have stirred the lion in me to continue on the quest to inform others about Jesus! In this day and age, I’m incredulous that people still don’t know about Him and His wonders for us! But, it’s there for the taking…a free gift. Love the saying”if you’re breathing, if you woke up this morning, God has a purpose for your life today!” Keep on writing, Kristi, cause we’re reading!

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I have been thinking about this a lot, and there were many people who could not consent to the vaccine: children, people in care homes, elderly, mentally challenged, etc. so this comment is not about them.

Of those who could physically present themselves to be injected: this was Satanic. People cry about 'informed consent' in a medical context, but presenting one's self was the informed consent because this was not a vaccine. Judas had to consent to have Satan enter him.

Those who, of their own accord, decided to take this injection, God spoke to every single one of them and told them not to take the vaccine. Through His Holy Book, through messengers like us, through the 'Voice' in their heads, through signs, via nature, after the first shot when their bodies rebelled, and through 'gut instinct.' Many fretted and cried for months or weeks up until the deadline they were to lose their jobs and then injected. They were all warned.

The people of the Book especially. All those stories - what about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? What about the world decieved by the merchants of pharmakeia?

All of them disobeyed God and listened to the siren song of Satan and that includes the religious leaders. Every single one.

The good news is that repentance is possible with God's grace as it is also written.

Edit: see Katherine Watt https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/on-demonic-possession-as-it-relates

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Agreed. Excepting the children and people in nursing homes injected without their consent, everyone else chose to take the shots. No coercing. Propaganda yes, but there was still a choice. Next time will be different. There will be no choice next time unless we stand up now and make the right choice.

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Very thankful you were lead to adopt that dog and take those sunrise walks. As always your writing is blessed and beneficial to others. Thank you.

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Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I love this post so much. “I trust in the immune system that God gave me.” I wrote these exact words on my letter requesting a religious exemption from my employer who was threatening to enact a vaccine mandate. I am so happy to find like minded souls such as yourself. You are beautiful, your words are beautiful, and your dog is beautiful ! 😘😘😘

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Wonderful Kristi! Everything you said also happened to me - including the loss of my job because of shot mandates. I'll just add this from the gradual of the Mass today:

"It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes. Alleluia, alleluia."

The key is to open our ears and hearts. Discernment begins with openness.

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Wow! This is my favorite yet. Beautiful. I’m struggling forgiving the people who wanted to take our children away/keep us from going to the stores for food. I’m trying really hard to find grace in my heart for them.

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If I did not come face to face with evil I would not have found God. I bless the people who did this to me. They consented to dine with Satan and have big problems. Now when I see how successful they are, how rich, and how well they are doing, I see the hand of Satan straightaway. They better enjoy it now because they are going to hell.

Edit: here is one. Former premier of my state https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13759659/Mark-McGowan-western-australia-Frontier-Energy.html

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I do not hate those that rolled their sleeves up. I even have some pity for them. They succumbed to the propaganda (copious amount, artfully done) for whatever reason. They failed to have trust in God, and in their own bodies' ability to fight the "virus". For their choice, they will likely suffer or join the multitudes that have or will die as a result. I cannot and will not obsess about the vaccinated. We (the ones who used their free will, intelligence and common sense) have an important task or duty. It is up to us to now rescue this country (and the rest of the planet) from the tight grasp of the satanistic global totalitarians. It is our job to insure that future generations will happen, and that those generations are humans with free will, appreciation for God and His creation, not some half-human zombies. Fight like your life depends on it-- it literally does.

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Personally I do not believe God does the bad things to people, or allow bad to happen. That is not the God I know.

We have free will (that He allowed), and His plan is that we align with Him in every circumstance or happening. We do that by listening and knowing His word.

We must call upon Him, especially when we have messed up. Listen, then repentance and a change. Respectfully…….

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Thank you for writing this, chronicling and sharing. I have been aware of this scam for years because I had been reading and studying the right things, coincidentally perhaps, by design, I choose to believe. Our sickeningly unforgivable commonality is a benefit in having put you into my life. I am certainly not alone in my struggle

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Free will. I believe God respects free will. I can not accept that God would choose some to suffer and die. As RFK Jr noted with the Milgram experiment: approximately 30% of us are not going to listen to the voice of authority just because the voice spoke and directed us. 30% are going to question, and use our hearts too, and pay attention to our internal moral code. The others folded, they obeyed. It’s surely spins out complicated- the job supporting the family and self for example. But how wrenching the experience of disability and death that came to those (and those whom they live)who had made the choice for the shots. Of course I acknowledge that free will isn’t always the reason bad things and good things happen to us, but there was a choice here. Your Mom and those that did what the authorities said are not lesser than you. They were/are the victims of great recklessness and evil. And they chose the shots, and you didn’t. Compassion rules here. No way did God not also give an opportunity to all of us to not choose. He spoke to you in the forest and He spoke to me through initial logic, which led me to question. I agree so much that Hatred and rage towards those that caused great harm upon us who did not go along, must not abide in us, no matter how justified. It’s sinkhole to hell, a living hell on Earth. And I don’t want the deadly consequences of their free will decisions to be upon them either. I pray for the grace of God, in his mercy, to intercede. I also push as many anti spike protein supplements on the vaxxed as possible. Act as if it’s up to you; pray as if it’s up to God.

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For myself, increasingly over time, I was presented with so many evidences of potential harm by vaccine. And,.. those that had the power to push said vaccines were being exposed as the very worst of mankind (Rumsfeld, Rockefeller, et al).

Key wake-up was when Seattle newspapers carried story of Congressman Jack Metcalf’s challenging the Army over harms of Anthrax vax, imposed on all military.

Obfuscation and lies covered and eventually buried the story, along with a soon dying brave representative.

Adjuvants were revealed to be part of the sad answer. But I don’t think we can ever get the whole story.

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