Aug 1Liked by Kristi yapp

Dearest Kristi ,I have intended to reach out to you awhile ago but have procrastinated .I stumbled upon your substack about a month ago and started reading it - still have not read all your entries and jumped around a bit . I love your style of writing and your willingness to share from your heart . First I am so sorry what your mother had to endure in the " medical industrial complex " I am a retired RN and your story is heartbreaking --just makes me cry -- You and your mom remind me of my mother and myself -- we where very close and her personality is a lot like my moms. My mother died January 2017 - she had CHF and although the last couple of years where difficult she did not suffer and had a peaceful passing with hospice- she was 84 yrs old and lived with us her last 4 yrs . I miss her sooo much and still have spasms of grief happen spontaneously but it is different now than in the early stages - there where days it hurt not just emotionally but physically -- I remember there where times when it was even hard to chew -- I know - strange. Your writings have touched many and please know you are in my thoughts and I pray for you. I agree with what you have just written - we are certainly in dark times and and one thing I am grateful for is that my mom did not have to witness the unraveling and decline of our world . I will keep in touch - have a blessed day

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Divide and conquer, it has been done for thousands of years.

Writings like yours will lead the way, keep it up, you will see!

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Aug 1Liked by Kristi yapp

Your clear insight and from the heart thoughts resonate.

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Aug 1Liked by Kristi yapp

Excellent excellent piece Kristi! I believe God has gifted you with the pen as well 🪶.

Thank you.

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Boy he sure did gift her with the ability to write!

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Aug 1Liked by Kristi yapp

Hear hear! ♥️

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Every one of your articles makes me cry! All of us working together in unison, with coherent hearts and a strong focus on loving and caring for one another to help this world heal is really the answer, I believe that with every fiber of my being. Not gonna lie, the Aries in me gets riled up from time to time and I want to be loud and vocal and scream WAKE UP! Sharing food is probably a much better solution ;)

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Sharing food comes from a place of love. (Unless the food is poisoned, I suppose). Love will heal what is broken.

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Aug 2Liked by Kristi yapp


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Aug 1Liked by Kristi yapp

Wonderfully written as usual Kristi. I hope you are doing alright. X

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I'm jaded. The first thing I thought was that people will take the free produce and turn around and sell it. Your friends will have to become a government of their food making programs for conditions to get free food ~ because of scammers.

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I believe that a selfless act of love is powerful medicine to the world even if there are those who do not appreciate it.

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