I agree that we have come to realize that it’s all a show and we’re tired of watching. It’s like the sitcom that goes on for too many seasons. My hope is that they are losing their power over us.

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That is my hope, too, for the masses to understand that the media is being used as a tool of manipulation.

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Well said, ma'am.

You have definitely tapped into a growing zeitgeist. That is, after what they did to us, and what happened, none of this matters.

And now a substantial proportion of us are quietly sitting in a lifeboat, talking amongst ourselves, just watching the cruise ship sink.

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and wondering about the consequences of its sinking.

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I will have an article about this soon. And also, you gave me a good idea, thank you.

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Aug 18Liked by Kristi yapp

I think we are realizing, consciously or subconsciously, all those things, outside of our lived reality, our experiential day-to-day life, is and always has been, parasitic created thea-tuh to bread and circusesquely control our minds and manipulate our behavior.

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Aug 18Liked by Kristi yapp

Yes, no, yes, no, yes, yes, interesting question, maybe, yes, maybe

I refrain from politics, so I wasn’t personally involved last time-except for a lot of praying. I am still praying for God to send his son and save us from the insanity

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Kristi, it has been strange, but that's because the mask has literally been removed, for good. It is real vs fake, don't let the fake win. We must react to the Communism rising in plain sight, or be consumed by it.

They are doing what they have always done, control both sides as best they can.


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Aug 18Liked by Kristi yapp

Maybe it’s time for people to stand up and refuse to participate in the Systems given to us.

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Absolutely. One step at a time, we can break free.

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Aug 18Liked by Kristi yapp

Very well said, indeed.

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Aug 18Liked by Kristi yapp

More are realizing that it’s all theater. The next president has already been chosen. I’ve heard it said that, if it really mattered, the elites wouldn’t allow us to vote. And how different are the candidates in reality? They’re all willing to fund wars and pass laws that limit our freedoms using funds they have stolen from us. They all think children are disposable garbage. We’re looking at two sides of the same coin. It will be up to the strongest of us to initiate change starting with very small communities of like minded individuals who value human dignity for all.

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Aug 18Liked by Kristi yapp

I couldn't agree with you more! Well written Kristi

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Aug 19Liked by Kristi yapp

This, the endless events (concocted and real), the election (admit that the Deep State will not let Trump win) are all part of the playbook called 5th Generation Warfare. WEF dictator, Laus Snob, and Bill Gates of Hell refer to it as the "polycrisis". The demonrats are well known to have created: Don't let a good crisis go to waste. They hit us with so many false flags, white flags, whatevers that we can't concentrate on one. Move on. Monkeypox (aka, moneypox) pandemic is coming in time for the so-called election. Create fear and confusion. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of all the fake theatre, and bored with it, too. Resist, do not comply. Do not play the game, especially in the cabal's ball field or by their rules. It's time for us to take back control. Let's put an end to these people and their genocidal games.

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I think there is a certain amount of apathy but only because we keep watching folks "get away" with wrongs. Nothing is done and there is nothing we can do. Across the pond they're putting folks in jail for protesting with their words.

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Kristi- if I had to give up all Substacks but one, you would be the last one standing. Number one in my book.

God in your heart, and Jesus in your cornfields! Keep it coming please.

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That is an incredible compliment. Thank you.

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