Turbo Cancer: Day 137 - October 26, 2022
Time to Wake Up
On this day, last year, my mom wrote:
How weird to be healthy one day and have terminal illness and pain the next. Surely God has allowed me to adapt, adjust and grow closer to him. Thank You.
Tumor marker is up to 615.
Please God, I pray that it is Your will to let Kristi stay and help me.
"I never thought my death was imminent. I figured I’d die earlier than most of my generation. Death is more familiar. Death is like a regular at my bar and grill- comforting. We all die sooner or later.” J. Cormody
On June 11, 2022, my mom drove an hour to Naperville to spend the day with her cousin, Lenore. They went out on the town, eating and shopping. Their last stop was Costco, a place my mom had never been to before. They walked through the store, up and down each aisle, taking in the sights. When they were done shopping, they stood in the checkout line and my mom mentioned having some discomfort in her groin. She wondered if she had pulled a muscle.
My mom was very active. She was a constant participant in the hustle and bustle of life. She had had many opportunities to pull a muscle.
For over a decade, every Monday, my mom had worked at the Park Forest food pantry. She was there on June 6, 2022. She filled dozens of paper shopping bags with canned goods, flour and gallons of milk. She lifted the heavy bags into carts that would be taken outside. The food that she so diligently packed was given to hungry people. She could have easily pulled a muscle doing that heavy work.
Each day of that week, she walked, swam, and gardened. She went to the gym to do water aerobics and strength training. Any of these activities could have put strain on her groin.
On June 11, when she went to bed, she experienced discomfort. Assuming it was muscular, she decided to call Doctor J in the morning, and make an appointment.
That night, while she slept, a lump grew. It grew and it grew and it grew.
The lump had not been detectable on June 11. However, on June 12, it was visible. There was an obvious mass in my mom’s groin. The mass was causing so much pain that my mom could not stand up straight.
On June 12, 2022, I took my mom to the emergency room. When I took her to the hospital, she walked, hunched, from the car to the admissions desk. With one hand, she kept pressure on her groin. With the other, she held my arm for stability. It was a relief when they offered her a wheelchair.
On June 11, my mom had happily wandered up and down every aisle of the Naperville Costco. On June 12, by the end of the day, she couldn’t walk.
The wheelchair became a staple of our lives.
Turbo Cancer appeared suddenly, and then spread, like wildfire. The doctors claimed that they could control her illness. They said that the way to fight was through their tests and treatments. However, Turbo Cancer stayed two steps ahead.
As of this day, last year, the lump had been surgically removed, twice. Once in July and once again in October.
It had been two days since the second lumpectomy. We were still waiting to see if there would be any improvement. We hoped and prayed for relief from the pain.
My mom was the victim of an attack. Through psychological and chemical warfare tactics, we were all attacked.
Humanity has been victimized. Vaccines are weapons. My mom suffered terribly, and then she died. I do not want to watch anyone else go through what she went through, ever again.
God gave us a book of instructions. It is filled with stories of slaves defeating tyrants.
The system is satanic. Those who control the system are the henchmen of evil. We are not meant to be controlled by corrupt, hateful, malicious men.
We are meant to be free. We were born to be free.
If the people wake up, and band together as a unified force, we can destroy the system.
We can dismantle the evil.
Yell. Scream. Wake your neighbors.
Tell them all: “We are under attack!”
We are under attack, and it is time to fight back.
Make sure to send your Mother’s info to Steve Kirsch. We are going to our dear cousin, Betty’s memorial service this morning where I will play violin and my husband will play piano. I’m so grateful that I play the violin, because I could never sing! I can still play beautifully, and cry at the same time. Turbo Cancer IS REAL!!!💖
We are under attack, from the doctors we used to trust, to the environment, the water, air, soil, and all the things we get from it. Pollution kills, and we are slowly dying, shot or no shot (it just speeds up the process a whole lot).